Thursday, May 14, 2015

Significant at Every Moment

Each of us can look back and recall times where others have been highly influential in our lives.  They are the kind of moments that stand out to us.  The pat on the back that a father gave to us, which boosted us on to bigger and better things in life.  That professor who used something of ours as an example to the class, which made us strive for more.  That person who spoke well of something we did, and we happened to overhear or hear secondhand the good that they praised in us.  These moments are highly influential.

As we think about our lives as Christians, we recognize that Jesus has touched us with many significant moments.  Though I was baptized as an infant a mere month old, I still look upon that great gift from God as a highly influential event.  A simple word from my mother, who, upon me saying that I was thinking of entering the ministry, told me that a lot of people that I had grown up with wouldn't be surprised at that.  A college student who mentioned that our time together in God's Word was really causing him to think about his life, right and wrong, and who he was as a child of God.  All of these have impacted me in such a way that I wanted to continue growing, so that others would benefit.

The thing is, as Christians, every interaction with others is an opportunity to bring something significant to that moment.  We carry God's eternal Word, His saving truth, and His light and forgiveness with us.  Just think what kind of influence that means that we can bring to every moment of our lives.  Sure, we could be a bit overbearing if we tried too hard to bring that significance in, but if we approached each encounter with another with the humility in recognizing that God could use us to influence that person right then, we might be surprised just how influential we really can be.

Sadly, like you, I have missed a great number of those opportunities in my life.  That is why I am also so thankful that I have forgiveness from a Savior who not only saves me from the bad/evil that I do, but also from the good that I leave undone.  And my prayer is that the Spirit opens my eyes to those opportunities, so that I can be influential for our Lord in those moments.

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