Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Just what the Dr. Ordered

Over the past several years, I have been astounded at how God works.  Now, to be sure, I've always been astounded at what God has done for us, and how He continues to show His hand in this world, but there are those times when it becomes so obvious that even a blind guy like myself cannot help but notice.  Maybe it's just that He recognizes that I need the brick to the side of the head to get my attention every once in a while.

Let me start off by saying this.  I am an information junkie.  I am an information hoarder.  I love learning, and I love learning new things.  I love reading the things that are current, whether they are ministry, business, or leadership oriented.  I love reading them, learning new things, and then looking for ways to try them out.  I see my whole life as one long learning experience.

Over the past several years, it has just seemed way too obvious on the part of God that He would put exactly the information piece in front of me that I needed at that particular time, to fit a particular situation, problem, or challenge that lay ahead of me.  This week, already, I have had two occasions where there was some minor challenge or situation that needed addressing, and wouldn't you know it, I'd open up my email, or check out my facebook page, and there would be a link to the exact thing that I was thinking about and needing some guidance on.  I'm not one who believes in coincedence, but sees the guiding hand of God working unseen, behind the scenes.

Sometimes God shows His nature through His hiddeness, and sometimes He reveals exactly what is needed at exactly the right time.  And somehow, that just seems fitting for an information junkie like me.

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