Friday, September 20, 2013

A Friday Excursion

Today we interrupt our regularly scheduled program to simply take an excursion on some interesting things out there in the world.

Popes and Mixed Messages: I haven't yet waded through the latest big statement from Pope Francis that is making news.  I have heard the sound bites and read a few reactions, but haven't actually looked over what he actually said.  So this is coming somewhat off the cuff.  It seems as though Pope Francis wants to remind people that Jesus came to save sinners, and that the message of Christians should primarily be about that Gospel message.  He doesn't seem to say ignore the things that God calls sin, but don't make the Christian faith and message more about sin than about grace.  I do plan on reading his lengthy statement soon, and can hopefully add a few more thoughts to this.

Sound Bite Generation: Following up on the previous thought, have you noticed how we never get the full message of what people say that is newsworthy anymore?  Instead, we get soundbites.  Sure, the newsies may pull the most important statements out for us to hear, but truthfully, everything loses something when it is pulled out of context.  We can make soundbites sound however we want, and we should always remember that the newsies don't have a primary responsibility to convey the news as it should be, but to get eyeballs to watch them or read their articles.  Therefore, they will always pull out the most controversial statements, or will present things in order to attract attention to their story, and not to present the whole picture.  Just remember that when you watch the newsies.

Good Reading Material: I enjoy reading good theological books.  I also enjoy reading good practical application of theology books.  Yes, those are two different things, though they should be walking hand in hand with one another.  So often, though, we want to pit the two against each other.  But the reality is, theology is meant to be lived out in real life application.  And that means that it will always be messy, because it gets applied into a sinful world.  Sure, it would be nice to have things work out exactly as God wills and designs, but sin simply will not allow that to happen.  So, there will always be a wrestling match between the two.

Well, that's long enough for a Friday morning.  Praying you all have a blessed weekend that finds you in worship with God's people at some point, but always in God's grace in Jesus!

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