Monday, September 17, 2012

When you just have no energy

I'm writing these words on a Monday afternoon.  For some reason, my head and motivation just don't seem to be up to the task of the day.  And yet, I find that there are still things that need to be done. 

Sometimes we just feel like we are running out of energy.  It could be that we got a poor night of sleep, or that we had a really busy day or two or twenty.  We may have done some physical activities that are more than what our body was prepared for, and we end up feeling a bit run down.  A nap seems to beckon us.  We feel like we just need to close our eyes for a bit.

One of the ironic things that I have discovered about myself is that, when these times come up, I seem to be most open to a time of reflection.  I put on some Christian music, whether it be hymns or songs, or even just instrumental pieces.  I will also typically find a verse or two from the Bible, close my eyes, listen to the music, and reflect or meditate upon those words.

I have to say, I have been amazed at how often that brief interlude in the busy-ness of the day brings about the refreshing I need.  It's times like those where I realize that God really does mean it when He says that His word is one that refreshes the spirit.  It's happened way too many times to simply be a coincidence, or some figment of my imagination.

Why not try it yourself next time when you feel like you need a little break, or a little boost.  I'm pretty sure that God's Word is better than any five hour energy drink you could find, even better than a cup of strong coffee. 

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