Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 20 Catechism Devotion

1st Commandment--You shall have no other gods.  What does this mean?  We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.

Philippians 2:13--for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

Devotion--It's mostly hidden from our eyes, but God is actively at work in our lives, and in everything that happens around us.  In one way, this is a good thing.  Were God to completely reveal Himself as the holy and just God, everyone who has the taint of sin upon them would be destroyed.  So God's hidden-ness actually serves to protect us from condemnation.

However, we also have some difficulty with the hidden-ness of God.  It comes from the fact that there are way too many times when we simply cannot see what He is doing.  When we face a significant challenge in life, is God telling us to take another path, or is He teaching us to persevere?  Because God is hidden, we cannot always see what He is doing clearly.

Sometimes it also takes another person to see what God may be doing in our own lives.  We get lost in the proverbial forest simply because all we can see are the trees.  We see the immediate circumstances, and fail to see how the larger picture can actually be at work for good in our lives.  And that's where we greatly benefit from the help of another believer.

In that same vein, we can also be the one who helps another see the active work of God in their lives.  Since we put our trust that God is actively at work in this sinful world, we can point out that activity to one another, especially when a brother or sister cannot see it clearly.  And quite often, what we see can be the very source of comfort and help that they need to endure through the circumstance they currently face.

In your life today, who could use your eyes to see God's activity in their life?  What can you point out to them?  What might their eyes be blind to seeing simply because they are too close to the circumstances?  Having seen that, how will you communicate what you see in a way that directs them to God's gracious work in their lives?

Prayer--Lord God, You are actively at work in this world all the time, though our eyes may be blind to seeing that work.  Help our eyes to see that work in the lives of others, and may we be of help to them in seeing that gracious action.  By Your Spirit's work, give us the words to speak to point them to Your gracious action.  We ask this in Jesus' name.  Amen.  

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