Thursday, March 22, 2012

How guilty do you feel?

Okay, who ever likes to feel guilty?  I can't think of a single person who really enjoys having their guilt pointed out to them.  I know of a few people that seem to take some kind of joy in pointing out other people's guilt, but usually they aren't really trying to build up the other person.  Instead, the effort seems to be more inclined toward tearing them down in some way.

One fairly significant part of our human nature is that we are all guilty.  Who of us was a perfect child growing up?  Who of us has never told a lie to another person?  Who of us has never said something hurtful to another person?  Who hasn't taken something that didn't belong to you?  At quite a few times in our lives, we inevitably have to feel guilty about some of the things that we do.

For some people, this guilt can be tremendous.  It may have been something that really did bring a great deal of hurt to another person, or that they did something that has negatively affected quite a few people.  The knowledge that such pain came because of their action can create doubt as to that person's ability to ever be forgiven for what they have done.

The funny thing is, God actually wants us to recognize and own up to our guilt.  It's not that He takes pleasure in our suffering, or in seeing us squirm. Rather, God wants us to own up to our guilt and acknowledge it because He wants to take it away from us. He doesn't want it to weigh us down and bother us any longer. He wants it to be forgiven.

That's ultimately what the cross of Jesus is all about.  There, God has forgiven and dealt with your guilt.  It doesn't matter how big or small, how recent or long ago.  It's been taken care of and dealt with, once and for all.  While we may still struggle with the after-effects as long as we live, from God's point of view, our guilt has been dealt with and no longer comes between us.  That's a good thing. 

I'll be talking a bit more about dealing with guilt between ourselves and other people in future posts. But know this for sure. God has forgiven your guilt because Jesus suffered, died, and rose for you.  In God's eyes, your guilt has been forgiven.  That's a reason to give thanks!

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