Thursday, March 15, 2012

Contrasting Then and Now

Have you ever heard someone long for the "good old days?"  I've always been intrigued by what people mean by a phrase like this.  For some, it means that they long for the time when life was simpler, or when there weren't so many decisions or distractions to life. For others, they long for a time when people enjoyed interacting with others rather than sit with their headphones on while they block out the rest of the world.  I would imagine that there are a lot of other things that this phrase could also mean.

Since I'm so intrigued by this, every once in a while, I'll be tossing up a blog post or two that talks about "then" and contrasts it with "now".  We'll look at how things were back "then", and see what has changed in the "now".  Sometimes the changes are for the better, and sometimes they are for the worse.  Sometimes things changed simply because the situation and circumstances changed, and the change is neither better nor worse.  And sometimes, we'll discover that things really haven't changed all that much.

I will introduce the first one tomorrow, but for today, I encourage you to think about some of the things that have changed in what you would call "then" and in the "now" that we live in. 

Just as a last reminder, we'll typically take a faith-centered approach to this, though some topics will expand farther afield than faith.

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