Thursday, February 9, 2012

Doctoral Reading

This summer I am scheduled to take my next two classes toward my doctoral degree.  This year, my time for reading is going to be a little shorter than before, as Carrie and I are expecting our first child in early May.  My classes are the last two weeks in June, so I want to have everything done prior to that birth.  Believe me, it will mean some good time reading in the next few months.

Think about the many books that you have seen about faith matters.  Have you had some that have been more inspirational than others?  How about some that have simply been informative?  I typically get at least one or two things out of every book I read, even if I disagree with the author. 

The thing that I always strive to keep in mind is that the reading of all these books will never take the place of the simple message of God's Good News.  Only the book which conveys God's Word to people can make true changes to people's life and faith.  All these other books, no matter how helpful, simply are not God's Gospel message.

This isn't to say that reading is a bad thing.  On the contrary, I believe in being well-read simply because it makes you clarify your thoughts and beliefs more than if you never encountered those other things.  The danger, of course, is that we start to slip because of a persuasive argument on the part of an author, or when we start putting knowledge ahead of God.

So go ahead and read.  In fact, I would love to hear about the many books that you all are reading.  From time to time, I'll ever share some on here with you (in summary fashion, of course), and whether or not I recommend them.

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