Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Of God And Country

"Jesus called [his disciples] to him and said, 'You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them.  It shall not be so among you.  But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for man.'"  Matthew 20:25-28

In recent weeks, there was a much anticipated buildup to a ruling that would be handed down by the Supreme Court of our land.  It involved whether or not to recognize same sex partnerships as the legal equivalent of opposite sex partnerships.  For many, this issue was trumpeted as an opportunity to display equality, and for others, it was trumpeted as an opportunity to stand up for what marriage was created to be.

As I weigh in with a few words on this issue, I should be right up front about this.  I don't follow things like this with a great deal of interest.  When it comes to the laws of our land, in many respects, I am woefully ignorant, and choose to be that way.  In the next few posts, I hope that my reason for this starts to become somewhat apparent.

It seemed that this particular issue was seen as an either/or issue.  Either you supported homosexual marriage, or you supported the Christian view of marriage.  And in a sense, it truly is an either/or issue.  If you believe that the Bible speaks about God's desires for how things should operate in this world, you have a hard time reconciling with those who believe otherwise.  If you believe that equality is of the utmost importance in society, you'll have a hard time reconciling what the Bible says about marriage.

This issue is definitely one that is much like walking through a minefield.  It doesn't help that both sides tend to be very emotional about the issue, which often clouds any effort at hearing what the "other side" thinks or says.  And yet, I believe that there is a great opportunity in this discussion to present the message of God, His desire and design for life, and the Good News of Jesus that we celebrated over this past weekend with His death and resurrection.  So read on in the coming days, and let's see how this journey goes.

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