Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Connection Variations

"Connecting Community and Christ."  It's a catchphrase that our congregation will be making use of, in an effort to unite ourselves around a common view of ministry.  As we consider the opportunities that Christ gives us to share in the ministry that He works through us, we will be making use of this phrase as our lens or filter, always asking ourselves how the ministry we are engaged in helps us connect community and Christ.

Now, as you look at the phrase, you can see that there are some variations that are possible in the meaning of the words.  As I've given thought to it, I have come up with four different variations, which I will be explaining further in future posts.  They don't work against one another, but instead, provide a variety of ways that we can look at the ministry that Jesus has given us.  They simply speak to different aspects of our life and ministry together.

The first is 'connecting community.'  I'm looking at it as a descriptive phrase.  When we come together as God's people, we are a connecting community.  We share lives together.  We interact with one another.  This is the way God designed us, and as His people, we see the value in His community as we connect together.

The second uses the exact same two words.  'Connecting community.'  However, in this sense, we see that we're not only about connecting with ourselves, but part of Jesus sending us as His disciples is with the intent that we are connecting with our community.  This aspect of the phrase points more to the connections we make with the community around us.  We are part of that community, and cannot help but connect with them in different ways.

Another aspect of the phrase is found in the whole phrase together.  'Connecting community and Christ.'  As a community that connects together, we find that the source of our connection is in Christ, our Lord.  Sure, we may enjoy simply connecting with one another, but as God's people, when we come together, our connection is in Christ.  A significant portion of our life together isn't merely being together, but seeing Christ at the core and center of our togetherness.

The fourth aspect of the phrase is once again making use of the whole phrase.  'Connecting community and Christ.'  Only, this time, it points us outward, into the communities that we are part of.  Sure, we connect with them, and at times we need to focus on those connections.  But as God's people, our hope is to connect with them, so that we can connect them to Christ.  We learn who they are, and then, we strive to show them the connection that Christ would dearly love to have with them.  We are God's means of introducing that connection as we go as His disciples.

In future posts, each of these will be expanded upon.  You may see other aspects of this phrase, and if so, I would encourage you to share them with me.  That's what connecting community and Christ really means, walking together, sharing our thoughts and ideas, and striving to be a community that connects around Christ.

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