Monday, August 6, 2012

Why should I be good if God forgives me through Jesus?

The basis of the Christian faith is that the whole world fell into sin and stands in condemnation because of Adam and Eve's fall.  If no action was taken, we would all be condemned from God, no matter how good or bad we would be as we lived in the world.  If God didn't do something about the situation, every single person would be separated from Him forever, with no hope whatsoever.

That's where the good news of the Christian faith comes in.  God did something so that we all wouldn't have to be condemned.  He sent His Son Jesus, who rescued us from that certain condemnation and death.  Jesus killed our sins, rose to new life, and now promises to give that new life to everyone who believes that He has rescued them from that certain destruction.  Yes, He also makes the claim that He is the only way to be rescued, which is why those of the Christian faith so much want to share their faith with others.

So you hear that message, and God works faith in your heart that you believe the message.  You have been rescued from death and destruction because of Jesus.  The reality is that you still find yourself living in this world alongside so many others who are destined for that destruction that the Bible tells about.  You're forgiven.  So why should you be good as you live your life?  After all, doesn't God promise that He is faithful to His people?

Well, there are quite a few reasons why Christians try to live their lives in a way that is in line with God's will.  In part, they do so because it IS God's will.  God has rescued us through Jesus, and has told us what the life looks like which He created us to live.  As His people, part of our life is to live according to that will.  So Christians are good because God has basically said that we are to be good as we live our lives.

We're also good because we recognize just how great the sacrifice was that God made for us.  We would have been condemned, and yet God saw fit to rescue us through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.  If someone would go to such great lengths to rescue us, a good and proper response would be to live in such a way that reflects our gratitude.  It isn't to make us better in God's eyes, but instead is a response to His kindness and graciousness to us.

We also do good because we now live with an eye toward our neighbor (and by neighbor, I mean every person whom we encounter in life).  We do good because we recognize that one of the best ways to share that message of hope and rescue is by showing that it makes a difference in our lives.  We want our neighbors to know that same hope, and we recognize that, if we are good to them, we're much more likely to gain their hearing than if we are jerks, or offensive, or judgmental (and by judgmental, I mean acting as though we take joy in telling them what their sins are and what will happen to them if they are found in their sin at the time when they stand before Jesus).

In the end, being a Christian is not merely about living a moral or ethical life.  If that is the foundation of Christianity, then it will only be for those who are the best people in life.  And the reality that the Bible paints is that none of us can live up to God's standards.  Even the best moral, ethical people would still fall far short. 

Yet, we still strive to be moral and ethical as we live.  Not because it makes God's rescue unneccesary, or as though we can do part of the rescue and God does the rest.  We do it because we see that our life is going to be a part of our message to our neighbor, both those who are Christian and those who are not.  We live good lives because we see the impact it has on our neighbor. 

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