Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Faith and Technology: A Series

It's that time of year when TV commercials and internet ads are showing us all the new glitzy packages that we can buy for each other for Christmas.  Smart phones, smart TVs, new computers, electric cars, and all sorts of other kind of things are out there for our commercial consumption.  All you have to do is shell out the money, and the most up to date technology can be yours.

In a sense, recent Christmas seasons have seemed to be all about technology.  Who needs Jesus when you can watch commercials with a kid buying stock on an iPhone?  Or who needs to go to worship when you can download the most recent movies right onto your TV?  Why pray when you can text?  Technology seems to slowly but surely taking over the Christmas season.

Can technology and our faith life coexist?  Does technological advancement mean that faith becomes an outdated thing to be cast aside as irrelevant and inconsequential?  If you regularly read this blog, you probably know that I will say that it is possible for the two to be compatible.  So we'll take time this Advent and Christmas season to look a little bit at faith and technology, and how they work together, as well as the many dangers that technology introduces.  Please feel free to chime in, especially since some of the topics will probably be somewhat controversial.

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