Monday, December 5, 2011

Angel-ic Thoughts

Wings.  Halos.  Smiling faces that shine.  Mysterious beings that reach out to stop danger in its tracks as it approaches you.  Biblical characters that don't seem to make too many personal appearances.  These are just a few of the thoughts that I know are out there concerning angels.

So what exactly are these beings called "angels"?  Well, maybe a few quick facts about them are in order.
  1. The word "angel" finds its root in the Greek word angelos.  This word simply means messenger.  There is a corresponding word in Hebrew, and it also means messenger.  
  2. Angels exist to do God's bidding, not that of mere humans.  For example, prior to the conquest of one of the cities of the holy promised land, Joshua sees one of these angels, who is dressed in battle gear.  Joshua drops down and asks him whose side he is on.  The angel's answer is that he is on no side, but is sent to do the Lord's bidding.
  3. Angels seem to have frightening appearances.  Almost every time we come across an angel in the Bible, practically the first words out of their mouths are something like, "Do not be afraid."  
  4. Angels tend to bring messages from God to specific people.  We have angels talking to people like Joshua, Mary, Joseph, Zechariah, and shepherds in a field.  In each of these instances, the angel has a specific message for the person/people and instructions from the Lord.
Are any of these new to you?  Have you given a lot of consideration to what angels are and what they do?  Since angels play an important role in the announcement of Jesus, and in His birth, we'll take a look at angels throughout this week.  Be ready to have some of your thoughts on angels challenged by what the Bible really says about them.

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