Thursday, November 17, 2011

Building Community: My new personal theme

Every once in a while in life, I find myself in need of a new challenge.  There's a lot of regular stuff that happens in life, both at work and in my personal life, which just seems to be the same from week to week.  While it's nice to have a somewhat regular routine, there are also times when I need something to light a fire underneath me and give me something to work toward.

So over the past week or so, I've been giving a lot of thought to my new "challenge" to take up.  What I have come up with is the title of this blog entry: building community.  I have been seeing the need for something like this both from a professional and a personal standpoint in life, and so I am taking it up as my challenge.

So what does it look like to build community?  Well, that's the kind of question I will be trying to answer.  In some ways, it will shape how I approach my work.  I find that it's necessary to work intentionally on building community when it comes to God's people.  God doesn't put us alone in a vacuum when we become His child, but He instead puts us into a community of faith, the "body of Christ", to borrow from the Apostle Paul.  While that community does happen as a result of faith, it also takes work to connect the body to one another, and to discover how everyone interacts and works together and builds each other up.

I'm also looking at what that means for my personal life.  Maybe it will find some application in my running, as I regularly talk to a few people to get them excited about running, and maybe even will lead to the creation of a small running group (or at least a group that does a few races together!).  Maybe it will find a place in my love for playing board games.  I'm not exactly sure, but I do know that it gives me something to think about and strive for, which I have found to be an essential part of my life.

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