Monday, May 16, 2011

Tying Together Life and Faith: How does this happen?

This isn't a new question.  That's the first thing I must say.  It seems that, as long as people have believed in something, the question of how life reflects belief is one that needs to be answered.  It also seems that many answers have been given, some better thought out than others, and all with relevant points and weaknesses.

This question invades the Christian community time and again.  How does one see a link between one's faith and one's life?  Is it possible to say that one has faith if there is not a corresponding change in life because of that belief?  What do you do when someone says that they believe something, but their actions seem to be contrary to what they believe?  In my chosen career, these are questions that arise far more frequently than I had ever thought they would.

This week, I plan to take us through a number of different thoughts and approaches that have arise in answer to this question over the ages.  Hopefully we'll shed some light on good points to think about, as well as pointing out the weaknesses that various points have.  I don't know that we'll come to a firm conclusion, since that answer may only lie on the other side of the gateway into Christ's everlasting kingdom.  But hopefully it will spark some thinking about how we live as Christians, as well as how we approach our fellow Christians in how they live their faith lives.

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