Friday, March 28, 2014

My Place in This World

"And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?"  Elizabeth to Mary, recorded in Luke 1:43

What is man, that you are mindful of him, and the son of man, that you care for him?  Psalm 8:4

To get it out of the way right up front, there are many times in my life where I am taken by my own sense of self importance.  At times, I think of myself as essential to such things as my family, the congregation I am part of, and other ventures in life.  I start to think too highly of myself, that I am the linchpin that holds things together, and while there may be a small degree of accuracy in that, one thing I often need to be reminded of is that God's Church goes on, even as individuals of that Church pass on.  God's Church is bigger than any one person, except for Jesus.

That's why I need to approach God's Word in the Bible.  It reminds me of my place in this world.  Yes, it is great that I am one of God's highest parts of creation.  Yes, it is great that God has called me to an important role in the context of my family.  Yes, it is wonderful that God has called me to be a leader of His people in the context of His Church.  I have important roles in each of those, and I have to assume those responsibilities with a great deal of seriousness.

But there is also another thing that I have to face.  I am not the glue that holds these things together.  That is God, working in Christ Jesus.  God is the originator and creator of all things.  While I may play a role in His creation, it will also continue on after me.  God is the originator and sustainer of my family.  While my absence would be a great loss to them, God still proves faithful to them in providing and caring.  And God is the originator, creator, and sustainer of His Church.  The ministry of the Word and Sacraments continues even in my absence, and when I one day must either move on or be called from this world.

After all, He is God, and I am not.  I tend to overestimate my importance in these roles.  And so, I approach the Word of God to be reminded that I'm not the one who makes the wheel spin, so to speak.  I'm actually part of the wheel itself.  Perhaps a very important part, but I still need to be reminded that I'm not the one who makes all things, preserves all things, sustains all things, and redeems all things.

So I approach the Bible to be reminded of my place in this world.  I am the creation, not the creator.  And that reminder is a regularly humbling thing, which I believe we all benefit from gaining.

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