Saturday, February 1, 2014

Random Weekend Thoughts and Reflections

Just a few random things on a Saturday.

  • A theme I constantly return to.  God is a God of perfect grace, perfect justice, and perfect mercy.  We humans just simply cannot fathom how that can be.  We tend to fall to one part or another.  When we encounter other people who lean toward a different one, we simply fail to understand.  Yet, somehow, God in Christ Jesus is all of these perfectly.
  • Book Reading: I love to read (as you may have read before on this blog).  I'm currently working through a set of books by an author, David Platt.  I recommend what he has written in what I have read thus far, but encourage you to remember that every author has their own soapbox, as well as their own idea on what is of importance and value to God.
  • Journals: I've never really been all that big on journaling, but am thinking of taking up a few aspects of it.  In particular, part of my research project for my doctorate will be the keeping of a specific journal for a specific class offered within the congregation.  However, I do anticipate bringing the journaling aspect out into other parts of the lives of God's people.
  • Hospitality: over the past few months, my family and I have opened our house up to the people of God, and the response has been tremendous.  We have loved having everyone over (even as I grumble about the sweeping and vacuuming before and after), and have enjoyed getting to know people better.  I truly believe this is a lost part of the Christian life and community, simply having people over to one's house.
  • Reading the Bible during Worship: One of the things I am challenging myself on is to have God's people be in the Bible during worship.  It has required a few adjustments on my part, but I find overall that I am enjoying the challenge, and look forward to seeing people continue to flip through the pages of the Bible as God's Word impacts our lives.

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