Friday, January 24, 2014


I've come across this word from the title over the past several years.  It's been used to describe a kind of ministry which seeks to connect people across the span of life.  So often, we end up grouped together with people in similar circumstances or places in life.  That's often a good thing.  These are the people who understand our struggles, and who can perhaps give a helpful word or two.

But there's also something to be gained by being part of a group that is inter-generational.  There is something to be learned from those who are younger than you, or who are older than you.  There are things to be learned from those who have a different lifestyle or income from you.  In some ways, you can find yourself being both a learner and a teacher when you are involved with others across the scope and span of life.

That's part of what makes ministry of this kind so beneficial.  A young person can gain much by gleaning some wisdom from someone who has "been there, done that".  An older person can catch the excitement, energy, and enthusiasm of youth and be spurred on to more.  An older couple can rejoice in having young children to once again engage with, and the parents of those young children can benefit from the wisdom of those older (not to mention the occasional babysitting that could take place!).

God has never intended for His people to be all of one generation, or place in life, or even all of one nationality or skin color or language.  In His wisdom, God reaches across the "barrier lines" that we create to show that He transcends all of them.  So maybe we should also remember that next time we find ourselves complaining about those "darn young kids" or those "ancient people".  Life together in God's kingdom is far better when we cross those lines, just as Jesus Himself has already done.

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