Thursday, August 8, 2013

Music and Meditation

Yesterday was an interesting day.  A week ago yesterday, my wife and I closed on our new house.  That created a flurry of activity.  We had a number of things we wanted to do before we moved in.  Yesterday, several of those matters were starting to get planned out.  But to arrive at some of the choices we had to make was not the easiest of processes.  As with any two people, you rarely see eye to eye on things, and we found ourselves having to work through some of them.

Also, at work a number of different things are kicking off.  Once school starts, so also it seems do many of the regular church activities.  I've been in the process of planning several of these, and a few are right on the horizon. 

So between house and work, things have been somewhat hectic, and more than a little stressed.  I won't complain about it, because I knew what I was getting into.  But it still has the tendency to make it tough to focus at times.

So, on my way home yesterday, I did something that I don't do nearly enough.  I pulled out one of my favorite Christian CDs to listen to it.  I have about 5 favorite songs on the album, and found myself forwarding on to them.  And that's when something amazing happened.  It's almost as though the weight on my shoulders was lightened as I took the brief drive home, simply listening to music which sings about the great things God has done for me.

And that's when I was reminded of why I used to schedule a little time every once in a while to simply listen to some music and reflect on what God has been doing in the context of my life.  Sure, to some, it might appear to be a waste of time.  How can it be productive to sit with eyes closed, listening to music?  Isn't that what teenagers do when they're trying to avoid work?  And yet, I have often found those times to be the ones that prepare me for the work and burden of what lies ahead.  I find times of refreshing in them.

It's at times like yesterday where I understand King Saul in the Old Testament.  The Spirit of the LORD had left him, and an evil spirit was tormenting him.  Yet, when David would play for him, the evil spirit departed and he found peace.  And so, when I find my life getting way too busy, when it feels like stress is building, and tension is high, that seems to be the best time for me to have a little music and meditation.

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