Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Let the children sing!

One tradition of many congregations is to hold an annual Vacation Bible School in the summer months.  Currently, our congregation is holding ours, with the theme "Go tell it on the Mountain."  We're currently on the third day of this adventure, climbing different biblical mountains, and hearing what God did upon each of those.

One of the greatest joys I always experience is hearing the kids sing the songs that they learn.  You can always tell a favorite by how loud they sing.  Right now, I would say that their favorite is a slight variation on the Christmas song, "Go Tell It On The Mountain."  That song always seems to get kids exciting and singing very loudly, and for our VBS, it is no different.

Biblically speaking, the image of a child is one that we do not take lightly.  Some of the greatest words from Scripture talk about children, from Jesus telling the disciples to let the children come to Him, all the way to the prophecy in Isaiah that " a little child shall lead them."  Jesus even once took a child in the midst of the disciples, when they were arguing about who was the greatest disciple, and told them that the kingdom was found in those who were as the child.

A child-like faith is one that completely trusts without doubt or wavering.  Sadly, we tend to lose this as we grow older.  I often find myself skeptical about things in this world, from how we are governed to the impact that the Christian Church has on society, and our willingness to adapt how we share the message of Good News to impact the lives of the people of society.  There are days when I dearly long for that innocent, untarnished child-like faith.

That's why it means so much to me to hear the children sing.  They will all too quickly grow up and lose that untarnished characteristic of their faith.  So, while they can take great joy in it, let the children sing!

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