Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Of Government and Faith

Today marks an important day in our nation.  Every four years, we have the opportunity to elect the person who is the face of our government.  More frequently, we also get to elect those people who will represent us in our particular areas, both to the federal government and to the local state governments.  In doing this, Christians show their regard for the institution of public governing that God has instituted for our good and well-being.  For this reason, it is good that Christians get out to the polling stations and cast their vote.

However, even as we go out and elect leaders, as Christians we need to keep something in mind.  These are earthly servants, who are going to be self-serving and self-focused sinners even as they work for the good of the people they represent.  Yes, they are going to make choices at times that are more based upon their chances of re-election rather than the good of the whole people of the nation.  Yes, they are going to make choices that are guided by their hearts, and we will not always agree with them.  And yet, God calls us to pray for them, to support them, and to share our thoughts and concerns with them.

One thing that we also need to remember is that the governing of this world IS NOT GOD.  In our day, it truly saddens me to see how many people put their hope for their well-being in those who govern rather than turning to the God who has made all things, and who loves His creation enough to institute the offices of those who govern.  However, no matter how good a leader may be, or how bad, that person, or the whole system, simply cannot provide care and for protection for every person under their authority.

God does do this.  While He does it in great ways, such as the nourishing of the world and the sending of the seasons to grow crops, He also does it through the hands and feet and mouths and generosity of His people.  Truthfully, I find myself disheartened at times by the care for people that the Christian Church has left to the governing authorities.  In many instances, we Christians should be at the forefront of those institutions and programs designed to care for those in need and want.

It sounds so obvious to say it, and yet, it seems like our expectations really do betray our thoughts.  The government is not God, and never will be.  While they fulfill a role that is there at God's behest, they are merely one part of God's work in this world.  So remember that as you head to your polling station and cast your vote.  And may God still show His working in this world through His people as they rely upon God and His presence in their life, in order to show care for others.

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