Monday, May 14, 2012

Stories of Faith

In our current day and age, it seems that the idea of a person's story has become very important.  You hear about people talking about their journey of life, which is basically a way of saying that they have a story to tell about themselves.  These stories talk about the major events in their lives, as well as the events that have impacted them and made them to be the person that they are.

Stories define us.  Each of us has a unique story.  And yet, one of the things that unites us is when we have stories that have parts in common.  When two people get married, they start a story that inevitably must have chapters in common.  When a family is formed, their life together becomes the basis of their story.  Sure, the different members of the family may have different perspectives on the story, and different events will have differing impacts, but the root of the story is still the same.

As Christians, we also have a story to tell.  However, our story goes back all the way to the very beginning.  It began when there was nothing but God, and involves numerous people in a book we now know as the Bible.  As a family, children under our Father, we have these stories in common, and these stories define who we are.  They have a great deal of impact in our lives, and shape our understanding of our Father, and of how He has interacted with our family in the past, as well as His promises of what He is doing as the story of His people continues.

Over the next few weeks, I simply want to take a little time to relive some of these stories on this blog.  Some are stories that have a great deal of meaning to me.  Others may be stories that aren't all that well-known or remembered, and yet, are still included in our family stories.  And if my telling and reliving of these stories bring out thoughts or remembrances, feel free to share them as well.

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