Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Where do you find strength?

"The LORD is my strength and my shield..."  Psalm 28:7

There are many kinds of strength in the world.  There is physical strength, measured by muscles and how much physical exertion a person can expend.  There is mental strength, where a person can focus their thoughts and overcome obstacles that get in the way.  There is military strength, measured by the amount of people, weapons, and capacity for destruction.  There is influential strength, measured by how far a person's influence goes in the world.

But where do all of these kind of strengths come from?  And when you find yourself weary in one way or another, where do you turn to draw more strength?

The Psalm writer of Psalm 28 made it clear what he saw as his source of strength.  It is the LORD his God.  This is also a theme throughout the whole Bible.  God is our source of strength.  And yet, since God rarely steps in directly in ways that we can visibly see, that may cause us to wonder how He is indeed our strength.

How is God our physical strength?  Well, He is the one who created the body in which we live.  He is the one who has given us food for nutrition, and the means of physical exertion, which builds up our strength.  Though we may be the ones who lift the weights or run the miles, we're doing it all by relying on God to provide what we need in order to do all of that.

How is God our mental strength?  He has given us minds that are unique and creative.  He gives us the ability to focus on tasks, and even the ability to refine our focus.  He has made our minds in such a way that we can think about things in a different way, and we can try new ways to figure out how to solve problems and challenges, and He even gives us the minds of other people to help us grow mentally.

How is God our influential strength?  He is the one who gives us the ability to process thoughts and put together words that have an impact on other people.  He gives us the ability to learn and grow in how to do this, so that we are able to make better sense to others.  He gives us the ability to listen and learn what other people need, so that we are able to respond to their needs as they share them, and not what we determine are their needs.  And then, when He works through His people, God gives His Spirit to change hearts and draw people to Himself.

So much of how we acquire strength traces back directly to God.  That is why we today can still echo those words of the Psalmist.  The LORD is my strength and my shield!

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