Saturday, July 9, 2011

Christian, or American?

Over the years, I've been exposed to a few different Christian congregations.  I'm one of the fortunate ones in that I have really only had four congregations that I could really claim as my "home" congregation, and two of those were such because of my training to become a pastor.  Most people in this day and age seem to go through that many in the matter of a couple of months.

This means that I have relatively limited exposure to the various ways that congregations are run.  Yet, I would imagine that there is a great deal of common ground in most congregations in America.  There are probably those who constitute a council or ruling body of some sort, who are tasked with making financial and business-type decisions.  They are probably those who have oversight of things of a spiritual nature.  And then, there is probably some form in place of running things by the people (members) of the congregation in order to get their approval.

Yet, I often find myself wondering if we don't set up our Christian congregations in North America more along the lines of our background as Americans rather than our background as Christians.  For example, where in the Bible does it say that the majority who speak up in a Voter's Meeting or Member's Meeting are speaking as God would direct.  Majority rule is more an American thing than a Christian thing.  Or, when major decisions need to be made, how often are those choices made by looking at budgets and schedules rather than the study of God's Word and prayer?  Christian, or American?

I ask this question in all sincerity.  I do believe that we have a difficult challenge in distinguishing between how we are raised as Americans and how we are raised as Christians, to the extent that we cannot tell the difference between the two.  I also believe, sadly, that many pastors (myself included) have chosen to go along with the American way rather than the Christian way because it would just be too difficult to show the difference and lead people in that way.

If you were posed with this question regarding different parts of your life together as one of God's congregations, how would you approach the question to determine if the body of believers is acting more American or Christian?  I'd really like to know!

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