Monday, June 20, 2011

Random Monday Thoughts

Every once in a while, I just like to toss out some random things that float around in my head.  Mostly, it's to get them out of there, so I have space for other things, but sometimes, it just helps me to put them into perspective or practice when I spend the time to write them out.  In fact, that's actually one of the major points of this blog: to help me write things out and figure them out as I think about them and consider them.

Regarding stories, I find it very creative of our God that He uses stories to convey His message so many times in the Bible.  Understandably, there will always be people who fail to get the point of the story, or who become so entranced by the story that they lose the meaning.  However, using stories to tell about who God is, what His intentions are with us as His people, and what His desires and commands are help us to see that God is more than some theological or philosophical thing, but who has direct interest and application into "real life".

I think the use of stories on the part of pastors is sorely lacking.  I've listened to and composed hundreds of messages and sermons over my lifetime, and one thing I have noticed is that, here in the Western world, we tend to have logical, progressive, point by point type messages.  Every once in a while, a story will be included, but usually, it's simply to enhance the point that is being made, rather than to be the means by which the message is conveyed.  But when we look at the Bible and the life of Jesus, we see an abundance of stories, all intended to convey a message, and with all the pitfalls and shortcomings of stories.  In fact, Jesus Himself noted that many people would miss the message of the story (parables), but it seems that many did actually catch the message.  The downfalls of stories also didn't stop Him from using them as a means of teaching.

I'm not saying that everything should suddenly become stories rather than what can come across as a theological paper delivered each Sunday.  But it does seem that the appropriate use of story could not only catch the attention of people as they listen, but can also be utilized from time to time to convey the message of God to His people and those who do not yet know Him. 

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