Monday, April 18, 2011

Holy Week: Holy Monday

If you read through the four accounts of Jesus' life, you will find that there is a great deal of each account dedicated to what Christians now observe as Holy Week.  For example, Jesus entered into Jerusalem in Matthew's Gospel in chapter 21, which means that 25% of his account of Jesus' life is dedicated to Holy Week.  The same is roughly found in the other three accounts, with perhaps the largest amount of time in John's Gospel, where Jesus enters Jerusalem in chapter 12 of 21 chapters, almost half.

Yet, if you were to look through those same readings, you will not find it written in a "Here's what happened on Monday" kind of way.  Instead, what you would find is that Jesus spent a great deal of this time teaching.  Some of this time was simply spent out teaching in public, such as what you would find in Matthew 23:1-36.  At other times, He taught His disciples, such as all of Matthew 24 and 25.  While He would stay at Bethany, a nearby town, during the night, He made His way back into Jerusalem each day to continue to speak God's Word faithfully and truly to the people.

Over the next couple of days, we'll take a look at some of what Jesus taught, who it was directed toward, and why He may have said what He did.  For today, you may want to read Matthew 21:18-22 to get a small idea of what likely took place that Monday as Jesus journeyed to the cross.

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