Monday, April 4, 2011

Amazin' Grace

Perhaps one of the best loved Christian hymns of all time is "Amazing Grace."  Tears may flow as you sing the hymn, or you may find yourself thinking about it at different times in life.  I know it's a regular staple at funerals, especially as people realize that only God can overcome the sting and finality of something as sinister as death.

But here's a thought.  Does the word 'grace' still carry the same meaning as it did when that hymn was composed?  Words change in their definitions over time.  Their use changes, and this then affects what we think of when we hear a particular word.  With that in mind, I want to spend a few posts talking about this word grace.

I grew up hearing that grace was defined as this: undeserved love.  In a biblical sense, it describes God's love to us.  In life around us, it's when someone does something for no apparent reason.  Grace isn't something that is earned, or it would be more like being nice to someone because they were first nice to you. 

I've also heard grace talked about in a number of different ways.  When someone falls or trips, we may sarcastically say that they were really graceful.  What does that use of the word mean?  I also know more than a few people who bear the name Grace.  While I'm not saying that I think this is inappropriate, we do also start to tie what we think of a name with the person who bears that name (do you know any good people named Judas?).

Hopefully, over the next few posts, we'll dig a little deeper into this word 'grace.'  I welcome your thoughts, analysis of my thinking, critique, or whatever else you may have to offer along the way.


  1. The best definition of grace I ever heard was, it is a gift that we do not deserve and it is offered to us for free.

  2. God's

    I think I learned that in Sunday School.
