Monday, February 28, 2011

The Preciousness of Life

Every once in a while, it seems that God gives us all reminders to be thankful for the gift of life.  It gets so easy for us to take this gift for granted.  We wake up tired and weary, not looking forward to the day that lies ahead.  Or we feel like we're on the ferris wheel of life, around and around, with not much ever changing.

But then, we get those reminders that life truly is something precious, and that each day is a gift from God by His grace.  Over the past week, I have been reminded of that.  A local Christian family was put in touch with me following the death of a loved one.  She had battled disease in her life, and it seemed, had triumphed, only to have a treatable illness strike her and take her life.

As this family was connected with me to share God's Word of comfort with them during their time of grieving, it served as a reminder to me.  Life really is precious.  It gets really easy to wake up feeling tired, or wondering if things are going to be the same this week as they were last week.  We find ourselves fighting the same battles, enduring the same things, and that preciousness seems to slowly slip away.

And then, something like death or illness intrudes.  While never pleasant, quite often these are God's reminders to us to be thankful for this gift of life.  Today I'm reminded of just how beautiful this gift is from God.  I truly hope that God's gift to you is a day filled with reminders of love, of joy, and of happiness.  Above all, my hope is that you truly do appreciate your life as a gift from God.

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