Thursday, August 10, 2017

Christian formation in Baptism, part three

As I continue this series on Christian formation in Baptism, today we look at something vitally important; the gifts in Baptism. Gifts are something that we understand. We like those occasions when we receive gifts. Birthdays, Easter, Christmas, Mother's day, Father's day, and the like are special because we are often given gifts to celebrate.

Now, to start this, I want to say something quickly about gifts. Gifts are given freely to us from another. A true gift carries no obligation on the part of the recipient. If you get a gift, but you sense that the other person expects something in return, they haven't given a gift, but an obligation.

In Acts 2:37-40, Peter speaks of two great gifts that come through Baptism. These two are the forgiveness of sins and the Holy Spirit's presence. In Baptism, God gives these as gifts. They were yours when the water and God's name combined on you. God gives them freely, because He sees you then just as He sees Jesus.

That has much to do with your Christian formation. When you come to know that God gives you such costly things, but that He gives them freely to you, you are formed. Think about how you are formed in a relationship, say, when a husband gives his wife an unexpected gift, such as flowers. The depth of relationship grows. The attachment increases. The one receiving sees a glimpse of the other's care. Such things form us in deep ways.

Likewise, God's gifts in Baptism form you. That's why it is so sad when Baptism gets seen as something we do for Good. Then we lose our on seeing how much we matter to Him. We lose out on the gifts that show the depth of that care. We fail to see ourselves as the apple of His eye, but instead see ourselves as proving ourselves to Him. Those are two far different things.  And each forms us differently.

For now, know this. The gifts God gave you in your Baptism form you as you see his great care for you. Being cared for in such a significant way forms you. I hope that you continue to be formed as those gifts are renewed in you each day by God's promise.

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