Wednesday, January 6, 2016

This is not the Jesus you are looking for.

"Wise men still seek Him." Popular saying associated with the wise men.

According to the Christian tradition, Epiphany is the day where we remember the Magi coming to see Jesus.  They saw His star arise from in the east, and headed to the place where it was.  They arrived in Jerusalem, asking the king and his advisors where the newborn King of the Jews was to be found.  In Matthew's Gospel, it almost seems as though everyone there is caught off guard.  The scholars are sent for, who say that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.  And so, off the Magi were.

It would seem that the Magi did not find the Jesus they were looking for.  Yes, they found the real Jesus, but He didn't seem to be exactly what they were looking for when they set out.  After all, if the star led them to the place where Jesus was, why did they stop in Jerusalem, at the king's palace?  It would only seem fitting, since a king would be born in the capital city, right?  And yet, that was not where Jesus was to be found.

Today, as the popular saying above says, wise men still seek Jesus.  In our day and age, we would say that everyone who wants to know the wisdom of God seek out Jesus.  But is the Jesus they find the one that they are looking for?  Is the Jesus you find, as He is revealed in God's holy Word, the Jesus you are looking for?

Or, let me ask it a little differently.  What if the Jesus you find isn't the one that you are looking for, or the one you were hoping for?  What if He declares that something about your life is not in line with His design and desire?  He may not be the Jesus you are looking for.  What if He is far more forgiving of you than you are of yourself?  He may not be the Jesus you are looking for.  What if He is far more caring and forgiving for people that you don't really care for?  He may not be Jesus you are looking for.

In the end, though, the Jesus you find is far superior to the Jesus that you are looking for.  The Jesus the Magi found was the One who is the Savior of the world, not merely the King of the Jews.  The Jesus you find is far more forgiving and compassionate than you could ever imagine.  The Jesus you find is also far more strict than you could ever imagine.  That makes His forgiveness of even greater value.

In the end, the Jesus you find is one who will condemn you for everything (thought, word, and deed) contrary to God's will.  That's not the Jesus you were looking for.  However, that same Jesus is one who will welcome you into His eternal kingdom if you believe that He died to make you right with God.  That is probably far more than the Jesus you were looking for.  Yes, wise men still seek Him.  The thing is, the Jesus they find is far greater than the one they, and you, were seeking.

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