Wednesday, December 2, 2015

"Coming In"

At times, Christian vocabulary can be kind of like speaking a different language (coincidentally, half the time it is, as I'll be explaining a bit here).  It's true that, in our day and age, each "section" of life has its own language and jargon.  Whether it's plumbing, technology, computer software, or office equipment, everything has words that are specific to that realm.  It's no different for the Christian Church.

Many traditional churches observe this season called Advent.  For many, they know the season, but I would venture that, if you were to ask them what the meaning of the word is, well, they might look back at you with a bit of a blank look on their face.  But have no fear!  After reading this blog entry, you will be able to share the meaning with them, and perhaps set yourself up to answer a trivia question along these lines somewhere down the line!

Literally, according to its Latin roots, the word "advent" means "coming in".  A very appropriate meaning and name, as the thing we observe in this season is that Jesus was "coming in" to this world in a new way.  Yes, as God, He fills all creation.  But in the birth in the manger in Bethlehem, God did something that had never been done before.  He came in, in a way never before imagined.

During Advent, we see and hear about the ways that God prepared the world for Jesus' "coming in".  That's why we hear so many of the Old Testament promises during this season.  God was setting things up to happen in His time, according to His will and design.  And so, as we go through this season leading up to our celebration of Jesus' first coming, we hear about the promises of Jesus coming in to this world.

So now you know the meaning of a Latin word, used to name this season we are observing.  Truthfully, for traditional churches, there are many elements drawn from either Greek, Hebrew, or Latin.  So next time you are in worship and hear a funny sounding word, go ask the pastor or someone who may be "in the know" what that word means.  Who knows, you just might be expanding your language skills into another language!

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